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特具个人风格的原创空间,Some rights reserved for my creative work.

Posts Tagged ‘people

Uniform Resource Location,字面的意思是:标准的位置源头

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一 旦你完成博客(blog)注册之后,在你落脚注册的网站对方,通常都会例出您的博客网址(url),有些网站的规则是,硬性的依着号码来排名的,如 /.有的会依照您注冊时的用户名称来排位,如/.不过一般上,对方都会留下空档好让你去把心仪的名字嵌入,在您把嵌入的名字上传后,恐怕就不再有机会去更改它了.不过也有的会给予通融的.我的纳米世界的url是 http://hi.baidu.com/rangerpower7712

什 么是url?它的全名是Uniform Resource Location,字面的意思是:标准的位置源头.不过在计算机的行业上,人们称它为:[统一来源定位符].url是网絡上的一种通讯协议,url里的是一个有关www范围下的协议名称.://职业上称之为端口.即是主机名称.接下来的,就是我一直想要给你说的,”在您把嵌入的名字上传后,恐怕就不再有机会去更改它了”的网址名称.这个看不起眼的东西,它有举着轻重的影响力量,会影响搜索引掣对您博客的排名地位.在在影响往后您博客的伩誉和权威性,佔有20%左右的调查和考虑因素的.

当然您可以喜欢把 http://hi.baidu.com/rangerpower7712写成 http://hi.baidu.com/我就是想要这样的去打破网址的世界记录~好让人人都能记起我,
太长的网址好处不会太多.我曾因参加一些互踩之类的推广活动时,就是因为自己的网址太长,嵌不入其限着字数的規格框框,只能嵌到半途,如 http://hi.baidu.com/rangerpow 此故多次的在望框兴叹,无奈的眼巴巴的在让它走宝.

这是保活特具个人风格的原创空间,文字未经授权,谢绝转载,Some rights reserved for my creative work.email:powkiller.com @ gmail.com

Once you complete the blog (blog) registration, the registration of your Web site settled each other, usually cases of out of your blog site (url), some sites the rule is rigid according to the number of positions, such as / “123347777990456″ . Some will be in accordance with the user name when you sign up to ranking, such as / . but it is generally, on the other side would leave an interval “” so that you go and admire the name of embedding to embed in your name After upload, I am afraid there is no longer a chance to change it. Nevertheless, it will be given accommodation. My url is the nano-world, http://hi.baidu.com/rangerpower7712

What is the url? It’s full name is the Uniform Resource Location, literally means: the standard location of the source. However, in the computer industry, people call it: [a unified source website]. Url is on the network of a communication protocol, url inside is an agreement under the scope of the name of www.: / / occupational termed a port. that is the host name. The next , is my always wanted to give you said, “In you to embed the name of upload, I am afraid there is no longer a chance to change it a” web site name. this look at the humble thing, it has held up the impact of light and heavy forces, would be Citation affect the search button to your blog’s ranking position. can affect your blog Xin subsequent reputation and authority, occupied about 20% of the investigation and consideration of factors.

Of course, you may like to http://hi.baidu.com/rangerpower7712 written http://hi.baidu.com/ I just want to do to break the world record ~ a good site for everybody to remember me,
URL too long the benefits are not many. I had the occasion to participate in each step on some sort of promotional activities, it is because its own web site too long, limit the number of words embedded does not enter the specifications of its frame, can only be embedded into the halfway, such as the http://hi.baidu.com/rangerpow box in sight of this so many times disappointed, helpless helplessly walking treasure in it.


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在 这里我要说的不是股票,而是部落格(blog)的用户名称.我不是部落格分析师,但可以倚老卖老的,在这里说一说多年来,自己对部落格(blog)的一些亲历经验, 一如股票分析师般给你一些指指点点,更希望自己不会像以上的股票分析师,把你盲从的牽进死胡筒,引入倒霉的泥沼里,让你在博(部落格)海中难以翻身.
名字谁都会有一个,有的叫雌牛,有的叫小聋,我叫POW.当我把POW 拿来注册的时候,计算机却弹出一个小窗口,说这个名字已被人用了.(马的,那人怎可乱用我的名字?)有的计算机长有一些小智慧,它会提议你选去用別个名字,如pows,pow mia,pow camp,pow bracelets,vietnam pow,the pow,pow download,pow dvd,boom boom pow,pow pow..,看来看去,看不出那一个是自己,(如果你正遇着我这样的窘境,请先息怒,把它搁下,让它躺着,再过几天后才来处理处理),一气之下我就来一个 powfucker,它说很好很好这个很好,可以采用.心总是不很自然的在想~:xx来xx去,会不会让人们感到脸儿通红..,最后改用了 PoWKilLeR.今晚才学会把powkiller放在搜索上称了一称,答案是:全球每月搜索量~320,本地搜索量~数据不足,广告客户竞争程度~0,真难怪自己红不起来,对这个powkiller,虽没有后悔,但也懊恼不断.

网上有很多人的名字叫: [.],¹¾æ,554009,fijj8888,…KjjjPNg,Z^ yNer,å�°å�°æ¹¾æ,等等 等,这些记不入脑,叫不上口的字名,免去吧,肯定的不会有太多的人会拿去网上搜索的.

这是保活特具个人风格的原创空间,文字未经授权,谢绝转载,Some rights reserved for my creative work.email:powkiller.com @ gmail.com

3 months ago, economic analysts recommended investors to buy the original, pharmaceutical stocks, the stock short selling to other, or maintain a wait-and-see attitude, if, as analysts Said, took 10,000 U.S. dollars to invest, the bad, you can pay 1000 U.S. dollars 6. This is what say? As the U.S. three months ago from the mid-term rebound, was 70 years or a maximum .. .
I would like to say here is not stock, but Bo (blog) name of the user. I do not blog analysts, but they can倚老卖老in here to talk about over the years, their bo (blog) the experience of some experience, a such as stock analysts as saying to you some more hope that he will not like more than the stock analyst, you blindly led into the death of Hu extinguishers, the introduction of bad luck in the quagmire, so that you can hardly stand up in Bohai.
Bo opened before the other party will require a visit to your user name (ID), the user used to live as the key to open the door, and the clearance was granted username (ID), is common in my general are locked and can not change again, unless a further application for another. requisitioned some places registered mail to the successful registration, you can change it to the name.
Everyone will have a name, some call female cattle, and some deaf叫小, I called POW. When I used to register the POW, the computer has a small pop-up window, saying that the name has been used. (MA and how can that person to use my name?) and some long, some small computer intelligence, it would propose that you choose to use other names, such as pows, pow mia, pow camp, pow bracelets, vietnam pow, the pow, pow download, pow dvd, boom boom pow, pow pow .., seems to look, do not see that one is himself, (if you are遇着dilemma I do, please let her anger cool off, put it aside and let it lying down, after a few days to deal with to deal with), fit me to a powfucker, it said the very good very good very good, can be used. the heart is not always a natural wonder of the ~: xx to xx, and will allow people to feel flushed face .., and finally switch to the PoWKilLeR. tonight powkiller learned to put a search on that said, the answer is: the global search volume per month ~ 320, the local search volume ~ data insufficient , the level of advertiser competition ~ 0, it is not surprising that their red, and on this powkiller, although there is no regret, but also constantly upset.

There are a lot of people online name is: [.], ¹ ¾ æ, 554009, fijj8888, … KjjjPNg, Z ^ yNer, å ° å ° æ ¹ ¾ æ, and so on and so on, those entering the brain in mind, the catchy name is not words were removed from the bar, sure there are not many people will take the online search.

Written by powkiller

17 十月, 2009 at 1:22 下午


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这是保活特具个人风格的原创空间,文字未经授权,谢绝转载,Some rights reserved for my creative work.email:powkiller.com @ gmail.com

…(Continued) If the inside of the day, you can not spare three hours to deal with you Bo (Blog), then, can only be presented in this heartfelt words: forget it, right down to it thanks you …
… …
Whether to do anything, “Time" is a major factor in the most critical. The hearts of the siege despite detailed planning, there is also a lot next to the gold and silver, if you must wash its hands of tomorrow morning to the dust, no longer a “time", then have it printed more than one is: forget it, under a bar, it had to thank you …
Do not go thinking that I was a college background, I was in charge of CEO, I am a professional programmer who …, on the conceit to think they know a lot a lot of infighting on the network, for hegemony sites, mutually exclusive, This allowed that the matter is limited everywhere. Hakata ago at the beginning, whether it is to set up their own Web site, or check website provider free account, open a small Bo blog .., I always believe that it is firmly of that, you first need to take a two-month “time" to visit the area carefully to see if the scope of activities, points to his ties of friendship between, as well as you can enjoy the freedom of the extent restricted by what a sensitive issue., and so on and so on, this is better than at the beginning of the month after Bo blog before trying to “pay attention to browser" better than the right.

When Bo blog writing, not the uploading and downloading, editing, as amended, scanning .., can easily cost a half an hour to your.静下心来a bit of to the idea of a theme, the design of some plot, pondering a return to .. of a pile of Chinese characters, then use at least half an hour. Pok Man is issued, will inevitably have to deal with some of the enthusiasm of the faithful Bo messages, comments, etc., there are also from time to time and will hit the net annoying “slow." ..
In my personal experience playing Bo blog, if in one day, and do not have three hours to deal with it, will not be the exception, you Bo .. the inside and outside, must be friends disappeared, ~ sweet-smelling colorless without a weed cocoon of Health.